Sunday, April 5, 2009

What Happens If We Break The Laws Of Physics?

"Laws of Physics" are human attempts to understand the inner workings of the Universe.
The Universe itself and all its parts behave in predictable manner, each part in their own manner, ultimately resulting in the very reality we experience. We try to understand the different parts of the Universe and create algorithms to represent the manner in which each of its parts behave. We call these "laws of physics." These laws are mutable over time, as new understanding of how the different parts of the Universe behaves constantly requires us to review established knowledge. 

Ultimately however, regardless of our understanding, the actual way the Universe behaves remains the same and immutable.

You see, the behaviors preexist our understanding of these behaviors; moreover, they preexist human beings (not just in the sense of time, but in the sense of space, that is, the sum of these behaviors is what allows for the existence of human beings as we know it.)

We are, in a way, a "behavior" within the Universe, and being that we're only a part of it, we can't change the whole thing, we can only change ourselves, hence what we call free will.

The laws of physics are laws of nature
dera all, the laws of physics are the laws by which
 natural forces
 work. we and all our creations including all the computers and equipments are made and created by following the same laws. there is no way that the laws can be broken unless they are in first instant not universal. say for example the laws of motion as predicted by Newton no longer hold good in nano world and in relativity concepts close to speed of light. we can not do anything that nature does not have in built in its existance. yes we can imagine against law of physics. most of holywood films do it as routine. but whetever they show follows the laws of nature in creating it. including digital manuplation.

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