Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Lithium Battery [Funny]

Story of Eddie Waitkus, The Movie Natural, Aaron schock. Photo of Eddie Waitkus,ruth steinhagen!!
She had the damn coldest-looking face which i have ever saw.
said by Eddie Waitkus the baseball player
Olde-Tyme baseball by Philip Francis on 15th of September 2005
The movie "The Natural" which was made in the year 1984 with Mr.Robert Redford is 1 of the best base ball movies made.......
It is based on Bernard Malamud’s novel of the same name when.
Thirty Eight Year old Roy Hobbs breaks into baseball as a rookie with a passion, hits huge huge home runs,
& transforms a very last place team into a winner.

This story was inspirited by the shooting of Eddie Waitkus, a 29 year old baseball player for the Philadelphia Phillies, when a woman invited him into her hotel room for the purpose of murder..........
ruth steinhagen,
rep. aaron schock,
the natural,,
aaron shock,
idina menzel pregnant
Eddie WaitKus, however, was the 2nd major league base ball player ever to be shot by
other questions?
Who Is Eddie Waitkus??
How come idina menzel in this picture??
Is Idina Menzel Pregnant??
where Can I get Answers for all these Questions..
Monday, March 30, 2009
Tony Bennett declared as New Coach of The Virginia Men's Basket Ball Team. Updated. Son of Dick Bennet Now a New Head Coach of Virginia Team

Bennett aged 39, is the son of former Wisconsin-Green Bay coach Dick Bennett.
According to some sources, he has been described as “..a very young Mike Krzyzewski...” &
it is also learnt that he turned down the offers from Indiana,LSU and Marquette,,,
tony bennett virginia,,,,
tony bennett basketball,,,
tony bennett wsu,,
tony bennett uva,,,,
tony bennett washington state ,,
tony bennete the new coach!!!
Tony Bennett, along with his father, Dick Bennete, helped reform the WSU program into finest competitive in the Pac10 the last few years...... BUT the Cougars were looking at a rebuilding process the next few seasons with the loss of four seniors off this year's squad.
Do not be surprised if the former UW assistant & present Portland State head coach Ken Bone emerges as a leading candidate for the Cougars....
WSU AD Jim Sterk spent a year as an associate AD at SP( Seattle Pacific) while Mr Bone was basketball coach there......
1 year after turning down the job Indiana a year ago, Coach of Washington State , Tony Bennett is now heading to Virginia. ...
According to trusted sources very close to Bennett, this 39-year-old coach accepted the job this Monday in a move that virtually came out of nowhere.
Minnesota's Tubby Smith and Oklahoma's Jeff Capel were the other names mentioned......
Tony Bennett is 68---30 in his 3 seasons since taking own for his father Deck.
He went to the NCAA tournament each of his first 2 seasons before going 16---13 this past season & losing in the very 1st round of the NIT.
Sourcess also told that he will not bring nearly his whole coaching staff with him to ACC school.....
Bennett replaces Dave Leitao –---- who was forced to resign after a 63----60 mark in 4 years. .....
Virginia was 10-----18 overall in this season & 4----12 in the ACC.
Also see
tony bennett uva,
tony bennett virginia,
tony bennett basketball,
tony bennett wsu,
tony bennett washington state
are in the recent search list~~
Angry India??
Abdul Nasseer Madani is Secular.
Varun Gandhi is Communal.
Afzal Guru is a Patriot.
Bhagat Singh, Purohit, Sadhvi are Terrorists.
SIMI and Indain Mujahiddhin are Social Service Organisations.
RSS and VHP are Terrorist Organisation.
Godhra Incident was an Accident.
Gujarat Riots were Pre Planned.
Five Muslims died in Malegaon Blast were Important.
Thousands died in Other Blasts were Crap.
Reservations for Muslims.
Blasts for Hindus.
Crores of Rupees Subsidies for Haj Pilgrimage.
Nothing for Amarnath Pilrimage, not even Land for Infrastructure.
Supporting Islamic Terrorists is Secularism.
Killing Indians is Patriortism.
Babri Masjid is a Big Issue.
Hundreds of Hindu Temples Demolished is Development.
Bangladeshi Muslims are Citizens of India.
Kashmiri Pandits are Refugees in India.
To Ask in which College of Engineering, Rama studied to construct Rama Sethu is Patriotism.
No One to Ask in which College of Law, Mohammad studied to write Shariyat is Secularism.
Allah is God.
Rama is Fictional Character.
To support Sri Lankan Tamil Hindus is Terrorism.
To support Pakistani, Afgani, Iraqi, Philistini Muslims is Secularism.
India the new super power to replace USA
What are your views
the help of USA and UK.Most of multi-nationals companies are US/UK based.
I agree with Farhaan in points about abortion, corruption no human rights that
is caste system.People asks votes based on castes and religions.There is communism
in India.People are killing one another and politicians don't care.Illegal immigration
happens every year and politicians are busy in baking their own bred.
India is going to become super power in only population.she is going to surpass
China in population by 2015.
Reason ? Indian peoples are so stupids because they believe in God.This world
has both hell and heaven.
Heavens : USA,Switzerland,UK,Denmark,Australia,Jap
Hells : India,Pakistan,Iraq,Iran,philistine.
best regards,
Anyway, what has abortion to do with all that.
These days there are no Superpowers in the world and if its going to change I doubt it will be India. Maybe the economy is still growing, but how many years yet? And how many years does India have to make up to pass economies like North Americans, Europeans or East Asians.
Being wealthy is not about the growth of economy and not about having the richest men in the world but, at least in my opinion, about the average wealthiness of its people and its human rights which is based on democracy. As long as India stays with its Caste System its not going to have a fair economy for its own people. I have met people from India and my parents just went to India las year and I say, the gap between an average Family in India and one in Germany is so huge, that India can't close that gap in decades.
About military - why is it important to have a strong military? As you can see with the USA. Military strength is worth nothing because all it does is destroying. Houses on the one side and money on the other. And lives on both sides. Before fighting someone you should think why you do so. Many people forget that, unfortunately.
Actually, countries who have avoid putting too much effort into war are doing best nowadays. See EU, Japan, South Korea, Canada.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Bermuda Triangle

Anyways, i've my own theory on Bermuda triangle mystery which i'd like to share with you all...
my theory goes like:
most of the things reported abt the triangle (reliable ones, as 18th & 19th century were times, where kind of knowledge of the seas comes often 'enriched' with stories by sailors!) were around world war & upto 60's...
i mean americans r famous for using all possible/available tricks whn it comes to their military aspects & those were times of either world war or cold war...
now, tell me if there's any incidences that happened in 80's or later than that (incidences means, so many of them, unusual ones & unlike in other parts of the world) - nothing significant right?!!
what i mean is US govt &/or defense had just let the hoax go popular as it was protecting a part of their frontier, that's all
(also, sailors r supposed to be caught very fast with superstitions, & old times like 18th & 19th century, fr where the story got its head-up, it was time with no GPS & satellite radio, also times where europeans targeting mexico - check the link below - no doubt the myth help keeping other lusty people out of their bounty of mexican/maya/aztec gold!!)
recommended reading : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bermuda_tr
Saturday, March 28, 2009
AnyThing Faster Than Speed Of Light???

Muons absolutely do NOT exhibit any property of approaching the seed of light. In fact Muons are heavier than electrons and more unstable so they can never get as close to the speed of light as an electron can.
So far, the only phenomena which "seems" to be happening faster than the speed of light is the phenomenon of Quantum Teleportation. Quantum entanglement and Quantum coherence can explain some of the properties of this teleportation phenomena but there are some aspects which cannot be explained readily. The information transfer in such experiments seems to defy the speed of light and the only explanations we have so far are
1) Super luminal velocity
2) Retro -causality
Explanation 2:
Light comprises 7 different ray waves of different lengths and frequencies at different energy levels, moving in unison. The average speed of light (all the rays together ) is 300,000 km/s. It is obvious that some of the rays would have speed higher than 300,000 km/s and some less than it. Red is the colour of the ray which is one candidate to travel faster than light if it is isolated from the unison right from the source of emmision. Presently it appears to be beyond our capability.
We should put in efforts to think beyond the present perceptions not within those hypodthesis, then only we will be able to evolve something new.
Explanation 3:
according 2 relative mass equation...
M=mass of the body at velocity v
Mo=rest mass of body
and if the body moves with velocity more than he speed of light.....its mass bcomes imaginary...
therefore no body can travel more than the speed of light......
which of these Explanations is True!??
About GRB's (Gama Ray Blasts)

The gamma ray blasts(GRB) are considered to be one of the most devastating cosmic collision. well it is actually caused by the collision of two neutron stars. the neutron stars get into the gravitational forces of one another and they get attracted and they rotate about 1000 times per second around one another and within a fraction of seconds the collision occurs, which is releases the immense amount of gamma rays wide into the universe, and this collision occurs only for a couple of seconds and then again it completely comes to a halt.recently the scientists have discovered the biggest gamma ray collision ever found in the universe.
Are We Aliens???

Also it is the fact tat the thing which travell with the speed of light is not the thing rather it is the energy so they no need to worry about time becoz if they havng this technology than time dosent affect ther age it is said in simple launguage as the pico form of the meter this is wat happend to them for millions of years.
Yet they have such technology tat they have complete knowlege of the time and space their medical science are far advance at tat time when they give thr clones to the earth, to make the complete chain they also constrcted the animals and all tat natural things which we see around us.
And according to me 90% they are similar as the man(homosapians) looks like!!!!
Connecticut- 23 Points for Freshman Kemba Walker..

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Shane McConkey Photo

Photos Of Shane McConkey In his rememberence
Shane McConkey Dead. Shane McConkey Dies Photos. McConkey Dies in an accident.
Shane McConkey experienced very severe problems in the air after launching off a cliff with the expectation of deploying his parachute canopy & then gliding down it to the Earth....
Shane McConkey was Filming
Mike Libecki
Newton's 3rd Law Not Valid!

Now let us understand how and when Newton's IIIrd Law can be voilated:
Suppose two bodies "A" and "B" come in contact with each other.
In that case, the contact will lead to transfer of force from A to B (or vice versa).
Now, there is a subtle point here. Every force takes some time to get transmitted. So, if
by any chance, A and B remain in contact with each other for a time which is less than
the time for the force to get transmitted between A and B, it essentially means there is
no reaction, though both the bodies came in contact with each other.
This is a violation of Newton;s IIIrd law of motion..
For details, please see Berkeleys Physics book.
why is hematite Fe3O4

simple question
how can ithis fomula exist...when oxygen dnt have a valency of 3 and iron dnt have a valency of 4?
Its magnetite not Hematite
The formula for magnetite may also be written as FeO·Fe2O3, which is one part FeO and one part hematite (Fe2O3)
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Indian Media - Curse for Nation

media keep on blaming these politicians, police etc. but where it stands. media is doing one of the biggest corruption by mis-guiding public.
media is always used to do negative publicity & media is always used to highlight those all topics which is making negative impact on citizen's mind.
media is interested only in the below kinda news:
--Ash n abhisekh saga is on for nearly 6 months
--SRK n Amitabh fightin
--a boy in a pit, shown for more than 24hours live in many channels
--2gals, intrude into PM's house just upto 1st gate, many channels showed this for about 2-3days
--Mika kisses Rakhi... a sensational news
--cricket is always on top of it if therez no news
--PAge 3 news such as wat they eat , drink etc...
media cover these type of news in the filmy style to attract people who dont watch news channels for information but for entertainment only. in this way they leave away imp news frm public
thr r 24 hrs in a day. media can cover 100s of news in this time. but media keep on repeating 2-3 news for whole 24 hrs. and these 2-3 news r most of the time just useless
daily we are reading regarding murder & theft on the first page...
but the prob is thr is no media to tell abt media
what media should do
when ever a gr8! example of good communal relation, gathering between two various communities will occurs in some part of country, media will barely cover it in their news.
media should spread awareness in public towards sports and other fields where we r weak.
Urgent Attention on an article in wikipedia

Check the article it is under disputed state yet we all rely on wikipedia and our younsters will get a wrong information about India Pakistan Wars.
Check out this page:
Why cant we land on the sun?
Suppose we can build something that can withstand all the extreme forms of radiation that are released from the sun such as heat, that is, to put simply, supposed we manage to survive all the extreme conditions from the sun...
It appears that all the "landing on the sun" proponents have forgotten one simple thing: In order to "land" you need a surface, that is, that you need solid material (or liquid if you take a loose definition for the verb "land" where a ship can be on water and be considered to be landed). Moreover, you need enough of this material to form an area for the landing.
Now, you'll find mostly two materials in the sun, Hydrogen and Helium (I say mostly because it is a common misconception that there's only Hydrogen and Helium in the sun). For Hydrogen to be liquid or solid it has to be at temperatures under −423.17 °F/−252.87°C while Helium -451.8°F/-268.8°C. The coolest places in the sun are the sunspots in the photosphere with temperatures around 7000°F/4000°C where even the heavier, much less common materials such as Iron (which has a boiling point of 4982°F/2750°C) would all still be in a gaseous state.
(And for all the absolutely technical people out there, I know that the boiling point for these materials in the sun would be different due to the difference in pressure, but it wouldn't be different enough to allow for solid or liquid material, therefore making the discrepancy of low relevance in this argument)
To summarize, no matter how much technology and sci-fi ideas you people come up with; considering the sun's composition; unless you're planning to make the sun's temperature some 500°F lower than Earth's, you CANNOT land on the sun, simply because there's NOTHING you can land on.
What are Intuition And Omens?

Now, brief introduction about those two terms:
Literally intuition meaning Gut feeling..
when we do something, some voice from our inside will give us instruction. In most of the cases, the voice will become TRUE!!
But, is our INTUITION is mere coincidence??
Literally speaking Omen means signal given by unknown force.
Sometimes when we do something, many things happen around us, which seem to be directing us!!
Omen gives some signal n Intuition takes birth in ourselves..
What n why r these??
To guide the person, GOD gives many Omens n try to instigate the intuition in him.
If that Man is wise enough to understand, he can reach his goal.
But if he fails, he has to take another life to fulfil it!!!The cycle continues till the goal is fulfilled n the Jeevatma can only unite with the paramatma that is MOKSHA can only be attained after he fulfills his duty!!
To make the humans believe what his goal is GOD instigates intuitions..which r not related to the GOAL but, related to the realities in his life.
Once the person starts believing in his intuitions then, he'll get the omen for his goal!!
That sense in every human being is I guess SIXTH SENSE!!
Am I Alive?
Why really dont I know which muscles I'm moving when I'm typing this..How do I know which group of muscles should my neurons stimulate in order to move my finger to type..I know not..! I know though that I have to type..And my neurons themselves do it..! Still..it is the 2% of my brain power that recognizes this anomaly..
Its a battle of 2% versus the 98%..! It is the battle between me & ME..!!
This all will sound very complex to a complex mind..but simple enough to a simple mind..I just got these thoughts when I was studying Human Anatomy in med school..I always wondered why do I have to learn about myself from the book..!
can we ever land on the surface of the sun?
Is there anything outside universe?
Many cities are settled outside our city
that is one question that can never be answered

One does wonder though that where is it that the universe is expanding..??!!
light may take millions of years to reach the center of milky way
and, there is no one in this world who is immortal, so, no one can go outside the universe, or it will take so much time, that we can never dream of
The BIBLE gives us a glimpse of how it is...
Latest theory says our universe is not one but only one out of many parallel ones. The big bang happened to create one more universe which we called ours.
Universe are connected through the highways of tunnels called black holes or time tunnels,however, theory of these parallel universe is not fully understood yet and still remains as big mystery as before.
they were formed from a common big bang or each one of them has a different history
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Are We Caring About Ozone Layer Depletion?
Courtesy: NASA Goddard's Scientific Visualization Studio

Volcano Eruption with Explosions at Alaska Redoubt.

The 4 explosions were recorded at 10:39pm & at 11:03 pm local time on March 22,

End Of Kupwara encounter..... 17 Dead

# Army operations since Friday
People's Right to Reject Candidates in Democracy

A voter can keep away without going to the polling boothe or wilfully cast an invalid vote if he does not approve of any among the contestants: but merely by having this facility to do so, a citizen’s rights in politics cannot be said to be fully satisfied. On the other hand, he must also have, like all other politicians, equal freedom to say in public why no candidate deserves his vote and thereby attract all like-thinking voters to his fold – the concept of democracy attains meaningfulness only then.
All those who do not exercise franchise are not absolute apolitical men without any political views ; a good number among the non-voters wish to express their opinion in voting if they have opportunity for it . The political ‘professionals’ are wont to describe the former as uninterested men in national affairs and deliberately discard them . But the Supreme Court has accepted a petition by some for providing a particular nob in the voting machine for negative votes. Many like-minded voters among us are expecting the final decree to be in our favour. If it does , our ‘invisible’ candidate will contest at one and same time in all constituencies ; and if he wins more votes than any other contestant, all the candidates in the fray will have to be declared automatically defeated …..How can one become people’s representative when more number of people reject him????
Hindus! Think Before You Vote..

Do you want to live always in fear of life and security?
Do you want that terrorists sentenced to death by the highest court of India not hanged just to appease the minorities?
Do you want terrorists to be released by the Government for electoral gains?
Do you want Hindu Swamijis, Sanyasins and other Holy Persons to be branded as Hindu Terrorists and subject to utmost cruelty and harassment, just for heinous political gains?
Do you want reservations in education and jobs for Muslims and Christians on the basis of religion?
Do you want Hindus to be totally marginalized in government posts? (In 2004 when the UPA govt. was formed the President, Prime Minister, UPA chairperson were non-Hindus. Pseudo-secularists and pseudo-intellectuals hailed it as a triumph of ‘Secularism”. But, it is an ultimate humiliation for Hindus. Can it happen in any Western democracy? Hindus have to ponder over it.)
Do you want Christian symbols to be printed on currency notes and coins?
Do your want Churches built in the Assembly premises of ‘Secular’ India?
Do you want quota for Muslims and Christians in Armed Forces and Police?
Do you approve special budgets and special funding for Muslims?
Do you agree with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s statement that Muslims have a first stake in India’s assets?
Do you want to live like a Third-class citizen in ‘Secular India’?
IPL2 in South Africa: Where are the venues?? When are the matches are Going To Be Held? IPL2 venues

Port Elizabeth
Cape Town
Benoni and
A Fish With Transparent Head!

Photos Danica Mckellar

Congress manifesto released, Manmohan PM candidate...
So puppet can't press any Key of the remote..
so the result is UPA- Under privileged alliance or ulta pulta alliance.
Mutalik Says: Varun Did have the guts to speak the real truth.

in the past) made him the clown. And now the stupid illiterate man like Mutalik supporting him will further harm his already tainted reputation.

Condition for Varun was like 'Kutta na ghar ka na ghat ka' where using 'Sadak Bijali pani'(Road electricity water) wouldn't have helped him because of now almost 40% Muslim population in the constituency , as not a single person of Muslim community as a strong SP vote bank from those ghettos would have voted for BJP even if Varun used secular issues like development.And using communal issues(Like he used)would definitely polarize already communally sensitive Pilibhit where Cow slaughter is definitely an issue but would make him villain with over enthusiastic and slightly biased media making it as a big issue because if Gandhi surname and the tag of 'communal BJP' with it.
So it was like dam if you do or be dammed if you don't and risk losing political career by losing once a safe seat of his mother. He chose the first option of trying to win a seat at the expense of his image in influential section of media because of Gandhi surname and of course all those intellectuals who only believe in what they hear from the media.
Maronic Media

1. Why do we have increased frequency of seeing shahrukh, aamir, aishwarya (not to forget Rakhi Sawant, Mallika Sherawat, Neha Dhupia and Riya Sen) in news channels ?
2. Why media nowadays is flooded with some senseless surveys like sexual prefrences, best kissing scenes in Bollywood and God knows what else.
3. Why sting operations are ALWAYS targeted at one political party ?
4. Why one's personal life become "breaking news" for the nation ?
5. Why it always persecution of minority by majority is 'black day for secularism' but not so if it was other way round ?
6. Why we have half an hour shows for Jhoom Brabar Jhoom, john abraham etc on news channels
I guess the new News X channel is very neutral and objective without giving judgment on any issue and leave it to viewers + the tabloid entertainment news are less and real news are more.
I also see good sports news including extensive coverage of other football leagues apart from EPL like my favorite German Bundesliga and others like la liga, Series A etc.
I have become regular viewer of News X.
Angry Himanshu Replies to Some One:
Whats the point behind having a discussion on this topic?
If you do not like the Electronic Media then do not watch it!!!
The content of news that media shows is driven by market forces.
If the media feels that they have a market for Rakhi Sawant and Raja Chowdhry then they will show it!!
If you are so concerned about their content then try starting your own channel or join one of the existing one and try to bring about a change from inside!!
The Tale Of Maronic Media Ends!!:)