My Home is Just 10 kms away from Hebbal..
It takes only 20-30 minutes to reach my place..I was tired waiting for the BMTC bus in this bloody hot afternoon...
The Sun was looking at me so dangerously... and some drops of salty water dropping...so sweaty!!
I had applied lots and lots of hair oil that day...
Oil started Boiling!
I was able to see a BMTC bus finally!
Got through the bus...
The Entry Point of Bus as usually crowded...
i some how managed to get into the bus...
started traversing into...
And occupied the extreme end of the bus..
It was comfortable for me to stand there......
The Bus Started Moving..

As the Bus moved on, My eyes went on the sides of the road...
Since Its a Flyover, The Bus was moving away from the ground..
Now i could see trees with my height...
A person wearing green shirt who was sitting at the last row started whispering.. "Sir, Please Sit down"
Well that "Sir" is not me!
I came to know that the person whom he addressed is not me, it was the person who was next to me.. He was Wearing Red Shirt.. I din see his face properly...
Now the Red Shirt Man Says to Green Shirt
"It's Okay, Please u sit"
and smilingly asks him "How are You"!
The Green Shirt Replies I'm good...
By This time i guessed...
The Green Shirt is a student of Red Shirt..It's a easy guess of course!
Well Let's not call them as Green Shirt or Red Shirt..
Green Shirt is a Student, Red Shirt is a Teacher..
The Bus crosses Halfway of Hebbal FlyOver ..My eyes became so happy to see Blue water!
Blue water?? Yeah!, It looks awesome man...When You Just see down From the Flyover You could see a beautiful lake called as "Hebbal Lake"..
Well Obviously the sun must be dangerous their too...
The lake looked like it is drying up... and the amount of Green WAter plants was more.
I saw a Huge Huge Smoke Cloud the extreme end of the Lake..
I tell u, it was so bulky cloud...
Now The Red Shirt(Teacher) says...
"wow!, what happened??, It's looking like a bomb!"
everyone started sighting the smoky clouded area...
Not a big deal!, the bus was moving and moving...
Flyover was over..
Back to ground!
A fire engine passed on the opposite side of the road...
Well it questioned everyone, why it's moving opposite way!!
To Be continued.........
Sorry For Disappointing.. I will post the remaining part of my experiences in my next blog!!
keep reading my blogs!
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